Keep Up With Client Demands, Business Operations While Providing A Secure Workforce Solution For All Employees
Telecommuting and remote workforce solutions continue to play an important role in today’s business environment. The COVID-19 pandemic escalated the uncertainty of the future and how organizations can continue to offer services to their clients while providing a safe remote work environment for employees. As a result, many organizations have introduced remote work solutions to protect them and others. According to industry research, up to half of the workforce across Texas is working from home. That’s double the amount from 2017-18, including many at the time who worked from home only when needed.
And although many counties across Texas are currently slowly lifting the restrictions imposed to contain the coronavirus outbreak, COVID-19 has permanently changed the way many organizations work. Working remotely has become a necessity, in the post-COVID-19 era it may be a part of the “new normal”, as organizations start to realize the benefits of such practice, like:
- Increased levels of job satisfaction and employee retention
- Maximized staff productivity and efficiency
- Hiring great people regardless of their physical location
- Reduction in fixed costs associated with maintaining office locations
Uprite Services has many years of experience helping organizations across Texas implement remote workforce solutions, allowing team members to work remotely in a secure and efficient environment.
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Remote Workforce Solutions
A 2020 study from Gartner’s CFO survey revealed that 74% of the companies intend to shift some employees to remote work permanently. What will be the impact on your Texas organization as more and more team members shift from working in the office to working from home?
Remote work and management are not easy, especially for business owners, managers, and employees who are experiencing this it for the first time.
Remote Work Challenges
One of the most efficient ways to embrace the “working from home culture” is to establish clear remote work policies and training. However, during times of crisis like a major pandemic, hurricanes, and other business interruptions, organizations in Texas do not have much time to prepare. The largest issue with unpreparedness is that if not done correctly, instead of the benefits mentioned, telecommuting has the potential to backfire on business productivity, efficiency, and even more important…security.
Common challenges faced by a remote workforce include:
- Lack of communication: Since COVID-19 there has been a bunch of teleconferencing technology introduced, technologies such as Microsoft Teams, Zoom, and Google Hangouts, have reduced the distance between team members. However, the lack of face-to-face management has reduced access to employee support, real-time feedback, and other issues that have impacted productivity and efficiency, especially for those experimenting telecommuting for the first time.
- Lack of team-building: Remote work has an increased effect on personal relationships between staff members. Organizations that have a virtual workforce have experienced a lack of colleagues who collaborate and trust their fellow team members. Trust and collaboration that would happen naturally if they were sharing an office throughout the workday.
- Limited access to information: Another critical issue with today’s workforce in a virtual environment is the ability for employees to get access to the information they require to perform their duties. Information that they would normally have access to when in a physical office environment. Now collaboration and information sharing needs to be done through email, chat software, telephone calls, and other technologies that take more time and have an impact on efficiencies.
- Sense of isolation: Isolation is the biggest struggle with almost all remote workforces. Isolation has a huge impact on the sense of belonging, collaboration, morale, and even your corporate culture.
- At home distractions: True for people with children in the house, pets, other family members working from home. All of these lead to an impact on the productivity and efficiency of your workforce.
Remote Workforce Cybersecurity Solutions
When you partner with us, you can make the right cybersecurity decisions to stop worrying altogether. Uprite Services has been around since 1999. We’ve seen the evolution of cybercrime and we’ve helped businesses successfully combat hackers for quite a while. We’ve even transitioned entire organizations to remote work – keeping them safe while doing so.
You don’t have to feel uneasy about cybercrime.
In today’s day and age, business owners have enough to worry about – from rising costs to talent shortages to ever-evolving competition, and of course, regulatory compliance on top of that. You don’t HAVE to feel uneasy about cybercrime, especially when it’s yet another stressor that keeps you from focusing on what’s important: delivering an exceptional product/service to your customers.
You can partner with us to take care of all of your cybersecurity requirements, including keeping your remote workforce safe. We have high standards when it comes to cybersecurity because we know this is vital to minimizing your risk.
What cybersecurity solutions do you need?
If you’re embracing remote work to any degree (even just the occasional employee working from the airport) or even if you’re not embracing remote work, you need to secure all of your endpoints with the following cybersecurity solutions:
- VPN (Virtual Private Network) that acts as a secure, encrypted tunnel between end-users and the network.
- SSL Encryption to ensure privacy, authentication, and data confidentiality within your internet communications.
- Cloud Services that give your team anytime, anywhere access to the data, systems, and applications they need with built-in security measures.
- Endpoint Protection to keep all endpoints, including tablets, smartphones, laptops, etc. safe against intrusion.
- Endpoint Encryption to make sensitive data unreadable to anyone without the appropriate authorization.
- Endpoint Backup to keep all endpoints, including tablets, smartphones, laptops, etc. backed up and ready to recover.
- Multi-Factor Authentication that ensures online services and/or accounts are safe from intrusion as end-users require more than a simple password to enter.
What collaboration tools are secure enough to use?
If you’re looking to continue operating efficiently, despite remote work, collaboration tools are key to ensuring your team can still communicate with one another, share documents, edit files, and overall, work seamlessly together. We’re here to assist you with keeping the following collaboration tools safe:
- Zoom
- Microsoft Teams
- SharePoint
You can count on our team to setup, configure, and provide ongoing support for all of the above.
Get the cybersecurity guidance you need to stop worrying.
- Book a meeting with our team of information technology experts at your convenience
- Find out exactly what cybersecurity solutions and collaboration tools you need to stay safe and operate efficiently – no matter where you’re working
- Enjoy feeling the peace of mind, even when cybercrime is running rampant out in the world
How Uprite Services Helps With Remote Workforce Solutions
No matter what the future brings to organizations across Texas, Uprite Services is here to assist in ensuring your organization has the right information technology and support to ensure your remote workforce continues to operate in an efficient manner, works in a secure environment and that your clients and customers continue to get the service they expect. With the right remote workforce solutions in practice, you, too, can strengthen collaboration, corporate culture, and access to the tools and information your staff needs, even at a distance.
If you are looking for the right managed IT services company to assist in creating the solutions you need to ensure successful remote workforce solutions faster, Uprite Services invites you to schedule a no-obligation consultation with our team of IT professionals and remote workforce professionals to help you in understanding how to best deploy and support your remote workforce.
FAQs Remote Workforce Solutions
1. What is the biggest challenge of managing a remote workforce?
Lack of face-to-face interaction can cause communication problems, and hence, it is the most noticeable challenge. Information breakdowns and bottlenecks are inevitable if you cannot speak with your staff face-to-face.
2. What are the risks of a remote workforce?
Not immune to common network threats, work-from-home employees must also be on guard against phishing attacks and email scams. Remote work security concerns are exacerbated by the comfort employees feel in their own space, which can lead to a lack of monitoring, relaxed cybersecurity awareness, and even physical theft. Uprite Services offers numerous remote workforce solutions to help you stay away from such risks.
3. How to ensure remote employees are working?
Effective remote employee management involves establishing clear expectations, accepting unforeseen circumstances, monitoring frequently, keeping an eye on potential stressors, making sure everyone is using the same system, communicating deliberately, leading by example, and requesting suggestions and comments. Above all, adopting reliable employee remote work solutions is recommended.
4. How can I get cybersecurity for my virtual workforce solutions ?
Implementing security measures like VPNs, SSL encryption, endpoint protection, multi-factor authentication, and secure communication tools is necessary to provide cybersecurity for virtual workforce solutions. With the aid of these IT support services for remote workforces, your staff will be able to work securely from any location while maintaining privacy, protecting against cyber attacks, and protecting critical data.
5. What are the key benefits of implementing remote workforce solutions ?
Several benefits come with implementing remote workforce solutions, such as
- Improved productivity
- Increased job satisfaction and employee retention
- Capacity to acquire talent from a variety of places
- Decrease in the expenses related to maintaining physical office spaces
You get a more adaptable and productive work environment via these employee remote work options.

Stephen Sweeney, CEO of of, with 20+ years of experience brings tech and creativity together to make cybersecurity simple and IT support seamless. He’s on a mission to help businesses stay secure and ahead of the game!